Today I asked my (former) friend why the group ostracized me

In 2022, I finally made some friends, after 25 years of struggling socially. I was bullied in my childhood and teenage years for being ugly, so I missed out on a lot of social development, which got in the way of connecting with people. This was the first time in my life that I had a friend group.

In the beginning of 2024, I first recognized that they were doing things without me… I brought it up, and we talked about it. At that time I simply thought that they sometimes forgot me due to being in a volunteer organization together which I am not a part of (I cannot join their organization due to other reasons). That’s also what they told me. After we talked, things got a bit better.

Then, in the later summer, I realized it was happening again. I would go on social media, see them all together, and noone had asked me to join. I tried reaching out, suggesting activities, and inviting them. At times, I barely got a reply. During the summer, their volunteer group had a summer break, so I knew it couldn’t be why I was left out again... I finally cracked and sent them a longer message to our group chat about how hurtful this experience was, and that I felt humiliated for having to ask my friends to include me. We had more in-depth talks, and things got better again. I thought, this time things were fine for good.

With the new year, I realized that the same experience is now repeating itself. It was just like last summer. It started when I suggested a game night, and after our plans fell through, they had a game night a few days later… without me. Oftentimes, I would reach out, ask to do something, and barely receive a response. Then I would see them hanging out together on snapchat or instagram. I tried to accept that things change. I tried to take it easy and be okay with it. I tried to show up when I was invited (which was only when other extended friends were invited too) and be good company. Still I continued to see them doing things without me, and it continued to hurt me so deeply. Not like it was a secret either, they posted about their activities, and when I would ask them how the activity was, they would just happily say that it was amazing.

This morning, I once again saw their story post on instagram - this time they had a galentine’s thing together. This was extra rough, because last year they also had one without me, and it was one of the exclusion incidences that we talked about together. Seeing that they repeated the exact same event felt like someone had just ripped apart my entire chest. It was the ultimate evidence that they truly don’t care.

I decided to reach out to the (former) friend from the group whom I could previously best talk to. I decided to message her and let her know that I no longer expect to be included and that I am not asking for an apology or for things to change. I told her that based on these experiences, it appears fairly obvious that I have no longer a space in the group. I asked her to just please tell me what resulted in me being excluded, so that I can take a learning from it and move on in peace.

She has since seen the message and saved it to the chat, but has not replied yet. I take this as that she is thinking over what to tell me. I don’t even feel anxious, I just feel empty. I just wish I could be someone else.