Anyone had mad luck pulling wins against fiendsmith with non meta decks?
I mostly play non meta deck for pure enjoyment and also the challenge in going up against the meta. Maybe it's just masochism because I lose 7/10 matches either due to the coin toss or my opponent's meta deck but I continue to play my dragons against other decks I own because it's (dare I say) fun sometimes when things go my way.
Well just today I was able to pull off a win against fiendsmith yubel with RDA. I was down to 2000 LP and they were on 100 after using absolute powerforce and attacking wave king which then destroyed their face down yubels, followed by using scarred dragon archfiend to knock out their unchained link 2. They switched from yubel back to fiendsmith in their next turn main 2 after I destroyed their nightmare pain with red zone in battle phase, only to keep their muckraker on field along with both fiendsmith fusions. At this stage I had red dragon archfiend, scarred dragon archfiend, crimson gaia, red zone and void apocalypse on field. After not activating either spell cards on field due to fiendsmith's effect negate and jumping to battle phase they must have realised I was going to jump straight in and attack their link and surrendered the duel.
After losing to fiendsmith deck variants a lot lately this win just felt really satisfying, even if I won to a surrender instead of being able to drain their LP. Has anyone else here had luck with winning against fiendsmith using non meta decks due to the other player's turn choices and if so what decks do you guys run?