Dear DPS: PLEASE don't play comp unless you are willing to be flexible
I get it, you like playing dps, but when you are going 2/10 ALL game? Like c'mon bro, put down the namor and let somebody who can actually do damage play dps.
It's genuinely so frustrating, because I am almost ALWAYS stuck playing support or tank in every comp game while I watch our dps do absolutely nothing. Even when I try to gently suggest switching with me, they refuse and double down. I get that it hurts your ego and you want to be like your streamer, but you're just not good.
I get this behavior in bronze, silver, and maybe even low gold. But gold 1 and plat? Really? Like, c'mon, how did you make it this far with that attitude? I hear a lot of people say that bronze is elo hell, but really I think gold is the real elo hell because you have a lot of players who actually know what they are doing, with an equal amount of players that just brute forced their way into that rank. At least with bronze just about everybody is at the same skill level, and everyone is still trying to learn the game, characters, call outs, etc.
Please, for the sake of my elo and yours, drop the ego and swap off dps if you are not pumping out the numbers that you should.