Them: “Adam warlock’s heals suck though” Me: an Adam lord main:

Who needs second heals anyways?

Most people don’t know how to use Adam. He is NOT for small heal scenarios. His splash heals can heal a whole time back to full health by healing one person if everyone is close enough. You have to time the heals. Adam is best during push scenarios such as domination or attack on convoy. This is where he shines. If you waste a heal on a dps with only 20% health missing you will screw you and your team over. Only heal once health is below 50% and make sure to always have an extra heal on standby so use sparingly. Adam is dangerous when used in this manor. I can take out literally any character 1v1 in ranked minus Bucky and Mr fantastic. Panther and iron fist gotta get lucky and circle out of their attacks. Spider I demolish. Revives: most people revive on site just to die. You must anticipate team deaths go off objective to a SAFE place. You pop the ult and run towards counting down circles of teammates. As you get close enough they will revive at you ult site. You then turn and heal one person which will heal the rest and of course try to have soul bond ready. Of course if Loki is alive or healer out you ult at same time as them on objective and team will come back full health and ready to go.

Comment down below if you agree or disagree with any of this. I’m open and I’m not top 500 so I’m just going with my experience as Adam main.