A story in 2 pictures...
So I've decided to challenge (tormrent with unending masochism because I only have these ids) and tried to win bamboo hatted kim with sinking team that mostly has blunt/pierce (except wh but his s3 is still blunt) with all of the IDs being lv 40-45 (only low level meursault for ego) and HOLY FUCKING SHIT it's been a few hours and I STILL DIDNT WIN. There were a bunch of close calls (he was at 70, 60 and even 20 health and here you see yet another close call. I will win bc I won't stop until I do buh but that last attempt was a fucking disappointment I had so much hope 😭 Yi sang hit tails twice and then yet again with 35 sanity on him bro this game genuinely hates me (also the 45 sanity which KEEPS rolling tails in an encounter where rolling heads consistently is an imperative) bro