Update on newly adopted geckos

Hello everyone, if you saw my last post I just wanted to update you all. I was able to get a tank from my local pet store that came with a starter kit for a pretty good price. I also picked up the bin today that is in the first pic. All geckos are now separated in their own tanks. I’ve also picked up crickets and calcium along with some mealworms to try and incentivize them to eat. I’m not too worried about the tan leopard print one and the black leopard print one as they have a healthy amount of weight on them and should be ready to in a few days once they’re used to the new environment, of course I’ll still try to get them to eat. My main concern again is the skinny one. Sadly I cannot afford a vet (college student) and spent what I could on getting them separated with proper food. I’m headed back to my dorm in a couple hours and am planning on bringing the skinny one with me so I can keep trying to get him to eat and monitor him.

I set up a warm and cold hide in each tank.

Also I know the one tank is small but it was all I could afford for right now and it’s much better than keeping them together.

Again any advice is appreciated!