What are your thoughts of people with visual impairments playing in your ranked games?

I wonder this as a visually impaired (monocular / one functional eye) person. Ive been playing lol since 2016 and only lost my vision 5 months ago. This season I have a 52% ranked win rate so far and tho I can no longer see my mini map when I play I still turn my head to check it. I'm not moving it to the other side because I've been playing with it on my right for all these years and it would be more stressful to relearn. I just have to look around my monitor and be more conscious about my game play.

I, personally, don't see a problem with me playing since some people in my ello (high iron low bronze) have the map awareness of a lima bean. I also prefer to play on the bot lane where I can only really be ganked from my good side making me more likely to see it coming.

I wanted to ask because I've had some people get absolutely livid and claim I was being selfish for playing. I feel like I play at my ello and I'm working to improve. I just have to play a little differently.

Ive also been making good strides at the little, what are they called, not quests but achievements(?). Ive gotten my achievement "placement" up to platnum. If that means absolute anything other than I play this game way too much.