Buying a 2nd Lower Watt Laser for Engraving?

Hey guys,

I run a non-profit workshop and social enterprise that does various woodworking, promo item, and furniture commissions. We have a 100 watt Omtech laser that has been treating us very well. I've been using their products for some time and am very comfortable with them.

We are needing a 2nd laser to have a backup in case the 100 watt goes down and also to just meet capacity so we can turn jobs around faster.

With the 100 watt, to get it to engrave pictures well, I'm lowering the power to just above the minimum where it will actually engrave.

I'm considering going with like a 60 or 80 watt for our next laser if it'll give me better flexibility for engraving images. I'd personally love to get a 130 watt with a larger bed, but not sure how well that'd work for images.

Any advice is appreciated.