what are your favorite underrated dramas?

while popular dramas such as: crash landing on you, all of us are dead, business proposal, etc… are all popular for a reason - sometimes its nice to give a spotlight to lesser talked about dramas!

i’ll go first sharing some of mine:

children of nobody: i dont see this one talked about a ton. with only 31 reviews on MDL and an 8.6 rating its a hidden gem for sure. follows a child counselor and her connection to serial killings that are happening around her. this deals heavily with child abuse, and just how far we’re willing to go to get justice - and also how that abuse can deeply affect children. this drama will make you question what defines someone to be a villain. side note: the MDL pictures displayed have spoilers so i suggest not looking at the page unless you want to be spoiled

missing: the other side: a lighthearted, yet deep, mystery drama. essentially, in this drama, people who were murdered who have bodies that were never found, end up in this village. one day, a man stumbles upon the village and slowly tries to uncover the murders of these individuals. he befriends a guy with a missing daughter who can also access the village and they work together. there is such an interesting cast of characters, loads of funny moments, but i also cried buckets within the first two episodes. you really feel for the characters (no matter how small their role is).

recipe for farewell: follows a man taking care of his terminally ill wife. he could never cook, but when she gets sick he begins to cook for her and slowly learns how to make different dishes. now, this drama is sloooow. it doesn’t have a lot happening. we’re quite literally just following this husband, wife, and their son - and what’s happening to them. 12 episodes, each at about 30 minutes. the performances are top notch, and while the concept of this is sad; i never felt manipulated by the writing. instead, i felt like i was part of this family and feeling every single emotion they were.

moment at eighteen: if you’re a fan of high school setting dramas this is for you. if you’re not a fan of them, this might still be for you. to me, this drama felt like if slice of life were a high school drama. the cast of characters we have here is amazing, everyone has nuance and layers like an onion. the side characters added to the story, instead of taking away screen time from the leads. the platonic relationships between the teenagers and their family (no matter good or bad), their friends, and teachers was all something i looked forward to seeing develop along with the romance. i finished this drama a couple years after graduating high school and it actually made me miss my time in school. not many high school dramas can say that.