Is there an actual reason Tak has never showed up again?

When the comics were first announced, I was excited to see her, but then they said they had no plans to include her "yet." So I waited, but then the comic concluded with no Tak. Okay I thought, maybe they're saving her for the movie with her VA being back, but no again, just her ship. Even Jhonen Vasquez admitted that he figured people would be disappointed that it was just the ship and not Tak herself. Yes, I've heard of the deleted scene with her, and I know they deleted it because they didn't want to set up a sequel they weren't guaranteed to get, but if you know there's no guarantee of a sequel then why not just use the one movie you do have to bring her back???

It feels like the crew keeps teasing Tak in nebulous future projects, but then never actually do bring her back in the projects they are given, and then those projects are completed and the opportunity to see her again is lost. They allowed the comics to go by without bringing her back. They allowed the movie to go by without bringing her back. Now as far as we know there are no more future projects to continue the story, so no more chances to bring her back at all.

What gives, is there any given reason for this? Why did they just give up on her when she was supposed to be a recurring character in the original and they know she's so popular with the fans?