Sibling Dilemma: I feel guilty for not agreeing immediately to hand over a new phone to my older sibling.
I am the youngest of my siblings. Recently, my oldest sibling decided to give me her old phone. When she handed it to me, she also gave me her new watch. However, I decided not to take ownership of the phone she wanted to give me.
For context, I had already received a phone from her about three years ago. That phone still works, and I am very thankful for it. I never asked my oldest sibling for a new phone, but she decided to give it to me anyway. (I even told her to give it to our mother, but she insisted that I should have it.)
Fast forward to now—the new phone remains unclaimed. I haven’t touched it or taken ownership of it. Then, my older sibling (younger than my oldest sibling) expressed interest in having the phone. I didn’t immediately agree. I didn’t say yes—I actually said no. I was very tired that day, having just gotten home, and she was tired too.
She then said that she deserved the phone, adding, “After all the effort I’ve gone through” and “Haven’t you seen my effort?” When I didn’t respond and ignored her, she continued, “You already have everything—even a new watch. You shouldn’t be materialistic.”
I admit I was irritated and felt even more resistant to giving her the phone. But then, I started feeling guilty, so I gave in and told her she could have it. Before that, I had suggested an alternative: she could have the new watch and my current phone, while I could take the new phone and the older watch that our uncle gave us. But she insisted on having the new watch. I gave in, but I still wanted her to take the phone and the older watch, since I didn’t want it to sit unused. However, she sulked and insisted on just having the phone.
Later, she messaged me, saying she was okay with having my current phone instead and that she only wanted a new phone because hers was lagging and slow.
Honestly, I wouldn’t have minded giving her the phone if she had just asked nicely. But instead, she made me feel guilty just because I didn’t immediately say yes. Now, I feel like a terrible person who doesn’t deserve what I have.
Internet parents, please help me. How can I make decisions that won’t make me feel guilty while also bringing me peace?