Why is Ethan the boogeyman to EVERYONE?

I’m so tired of this.

Trisha flat out fetishized Jewish people. She quite literally dressed as an IDF soldier when she came to Ethan’s house for one of the Jewish holidays. She quite literally was converting to Judaism. (Or so she said). She quite literally would post “what’s in my Jew lunch,” and crap to that effect.

ETHAN would be the one to check her and tell her that’s offensive.

She quite literally filmed a damn REALITY SHOW in Israel. I don’t think it aired? She was hyper- PRO ISRAEL. However, I don’t recall her ever remarking on anything of the Israel/Palestine conflict. She’s been very quiet about Israel now. Obviously, because she knows it’s not the popular take. She doesn’t want to be canceled again.

Yet, people want to hold Ethan and Hila to the fire because Hila was born in Israel, had to serve in the IDF (just like Moses- who doesn’t get the same flack), and Ethan lived there for a time as well. Of course he’s going to have some sentiment for the things going on.

He has COUNTLESSLY said how much he can’t stand the government in Israel- as has Hila. That they don’t agree with how things are being handled.

It’s so wild to me that people constantly want to rewrite history. That people want to send them death threats. That Ethan and Hila live rent free in so many peoples hearts and minds.

Of course Ethan is going to bring Trish up from time to time. He genuinely thought they formed a real friendship. Hila’s brother quite literally married Trisha. They can’t just all pretend to not know each other or care. Ethan and Hila have nieces they haven’t met, and vice versa with Trish and Moses and them. That entire situation is sad- and I wish it could get resolved.

However, to constantly do the take of EThAn iS so jEAlOuS of hER oh My GoDddDd. It’s dumb. He genuinely cares. He’s genuinely happy for her. He genuinely misses his old friend.

Sorry for the long one.


Uhhhh BASED.

I’m so tired of this.

Trisha flat out fetishized Jewish people. She quite literally dressed as an IDF soldier when she came to Ethan’s house for one of the Jewish holidays. She quite literally was converting to Judaism. (Or so she said). She quite literally would post “what’s in my Jew lunch,” and crap to that effect.

ETHAN would be the one to check her and tell her that’s offensive.

She quite literally filmed a damn REALITY SHOW in Israel. I don’t think it aired? She was hyper- PRO ISRAEL. However, I don’t recall her ever remarking on anything of the Israel/Palestine conflict. She’s been very quiet about Israel now. Obviously, because she knows it’s not the popular take. She doesn’t want to be canceled again.

Yet, people want to hold Ethan and Hila to the fire because Hila was born in Israel, had to serve in the IDF (just like Moses- who doesn’t get the same flack), and Ethan lived there for a time as well. Of course he’s going to have some sentiment for the things going on.

He has COUNTLESSLY said how much he can’t stand the government in Israel- as has Hila. That they don’t agree with how things are being handled.

It’s so wild to me that people constantly want to rewrite history. That people want to send them death threats. That Ethan and Hila live rent free in so many peoples hearts and minds.

Of course Ethan is going to bring Trish up from time to time. He genuinely thought they formed a real friendship. Hila’s brother quite literally married Trisha. They can’t just all pretend to not know each other or care. Ethan and Hila have nieces they haven’t met, and vice versa with Trish and Moses and them. That entire situation is sad- and I wish it could get resolved.

However, to constantly do the take of EThAn iS so jEAlOuS of hER oh My GoDddDd. It’s dumb. He genuinely cares. He’s genuinely happy for her. He genuinely misses his old friend.

Sorry for the long one.


Uhhhh BASED.