Friday's Episode - Prison Talk

The electric chair/execution rabbit hole was intersting, and not to expose my place of employment, but brought up a memory.

I was answering a call and this lady was inquiring about working with our agency, wanting to know what it was like, where to submit her application, no biggie.

She then straight up asks, "How can I apply to be the person on the medical team that provides the lethal injections?".

I don't think I've left a longer silence on the line before....or since. 😭 LIKE WHAT DO YOU SAY!

I was just taken back, and told her it's not really "a position", to my knowledge, it's a duty assigned.

She had more questions so I put her in touch with our hiring department, and tell me why 2 hours later she calls back asking the same thing??

Like ma'am, did they not help you, and why is this so important to you, I kind of need to know your name and number....for research purposes...

First time I got that stomach dropping, runaway vibe from someone, just by talking to them on the phone.