My hack: A cheap, effective Frankenextender:
I've been doing PE for a bout 18 months. I've tried pumping, clamping and extending as well as vac hanging. I have had modest gains, and pretty impressive EQ gains. As far as extenders go, I haven't bucked up for the $150-$500 models yet, b/c I've been trying cheaper, ALiEx. type units. I think I have perfected my Frankenextender: There is a new 2 strap cradle available, and using the new, improved "2 noose" cradle. The yolk and arms come as an inexpensive kit. I modded one of the new cradles and now I have an extender that works, and hopefully wont break after 3 uses. I drilled out the top caps of the cradle, so I can get it tracked in, then add all tension wanted with the thumb screws. REMEMBER: place the yolk before trying to get the cradle tracked in. (pic note: I had a bit of edema from an earlier pumping session):
Also, I will show my taping routine. If you want to get a good hold on your joint, this is the best way I've found: Start w/pre-wrap, 2 layers at most. Then use self-stick bandages to hold in place, and stop pinching from the nooses. The clear tape is to keep pre-wrap in place.