Extreme Demon Platformers that aren't rated (for RobTop in GDS)
Hello, to anyone unaware RobTop asked someone to create a reddit thread that contains lots of unrated platformer levels (including non-extremes, but the majority I personally know of and that are in my list are extremes. Reddit is weird and I can't edit my title). So, that is what this is for. If you have any levels you wish to be added to the list, please let me know in the comments.
List ID compiling popular answers, already sent demons, etc: 461110 List ID containing non-demons (not updated by me): 462068
As an uber gamer myself, I'm very pleased with this oppurtunity.
Thank you :D
Update: Although rates from here have slowed/stopped, I’m very grateful to have helped this happen. I still update my ingame list (ID: 461110) daily multiple times with new levels I find. Happy platforming!