Safest country to escapte to as a gay couple?

I'm hungarian, and as of today the government banned pride in our country. If you go out to the streets the police will record your face through surveillance, and you'll have to pay a fine. (around 1000dollars). They banned it on the assumption that it is harmful for children's moral developement (or some kind of shit, altough they didn't ban the nazi parade... so yeah..).
I know that banning pride is just another step in the dehumanisation of lgbt people in this country, we already have a law that's banning adoption for same sex couples.

So i got to the point where, however good i live in this country as of now, i can't see any future here, and i'm much more willing to pay my taxes in a country, that doesn't frame me as a second class citizen.

But my problem is -as everyone can see-, far right is gaining ground all around the world.

Which means that i don't know where should i (and my boyfriend) move to, where we can live a safe, we can adopt, and we can live as normal people.

Please if you know anything that could help, let me know.