I'm lost on voxel engines

I've been creating modpacks in Minecraft for a few years now, and as my projects became more and more complex, I've begun running into performance and mechanic limitations. At this point, I'm not really using any vanilla features and the game has become my engine, but a terrible one at that. Java is not very performant.

So I began looking into voxel engines to transfer my projects to their own game, but I'm really lost. It seems every voxel engines I come across is either not finished, or doesn't work for what I need. Godot seems to have a weak spot in physics rendering, Unity doesn't look like it's optimized for voxels, and several others weren't even finished. I looked at some dedicated engines like IOLITE and Voxel Farm, and the Unity addon Cubiquity which doesn't seem like it's been updated in a decade.

So, what are the good Voxel engine options people are using in 2024 that are performant for something with a cube density similar to Minecraft (or maybe a little denser, say 2x)? I would need something that's capable of: handling large numbers of entities, large numbers of light sources, procedural generation, environment physics, and shader lighting. Destruction physics would be a bonus but isn't a requirement. Is IOLITE a good option for a project like this? It seems a bit limited. Are there any others that are a better fit?