How to create your eating and working out plan?
Hey everyone!
I'm 28M - 1.93cm (6'4) - 100KG (220 pound). I will be getting married in around 10 months and gotta get in shape. I have little knowledge about how to hit the gym in terms of preparing my own meal plan and workout plan in accordance with my own body. I do not know how can I get to know my body.
I have a very busy work schedule and I mostly work at a desk. I thought about hiring a personal trainer for myself, but whoever I talked to, they said that there is no need for it and that I could find the necessary information on But I never understood where to look in the forums and there is a lot of information.
What I want to do is that I want to prepare a meal plan, buy myself supplements whichever I require, prepare myself a workout plan, simple as that. Could you guys kindly guide me how I can learn to do these? All I need is a little push..