What Tamsy is going to do

Despite how it may look Tamsy isn’t going to physically attack/try to kill Corvus. It’s much more likely that he’s going to use the Watchman Book to modify Corvus’s memories in some way that will result in Rudo being mentally distressed.

To support this, before Tamsy enters Corvus’s office he says that going on Rudo’s first job gave him an idea that could serve as a catalyst. This means that whatever he’s planning doesn’t involve murder, he had that idea way before Rudo’s first job, it was literally the first thing he tried.

I’m not sure what Tamsy would add or erase from Corvus’s memories, there’s a few ideas that come to mind but anything super detailed I’d need to think about more.

There’s three routes I could see it going, Tamsy could add something that makes Corvus think that doing something that would help Tamsy’s goal would help his goal, or Tamsy could add/remove something that would jeopardize the relationships that Rudo has built so far, or he could make Corvus forget the true purpose of the cleaners leading to either of the above things.

I’m curious to see what you guys think might happen, let me know if you think of anything