Help with thread from Peru?
Hi! I’ve been loving making friendship bracelets for my friends and family the past few months. My sister’s friend got her one in Peru and she said the thread feels differently than what I use (random brand on Amazon) AND it doesn’t start to smell or anything. She likened the feeling to wool? Does anyone know what thread would have been used or a recommendation for a good quality, long lasting thread? Also, where do you all get your patterns from? The one from my sister looks amazing! See pic for reference
Hi! I’ve been loving making friendship bracelets for my friends and family the past few months. My sister’s friend got her one in Peru and she said the thread feels differently than what I use (random brand on Amazon) AND it doesn’t start to smell or anything. She likened the feeling to wool? Does anyone know what thread would have been used or a recommendation for a good quality, long lasting thread? Also, where do you all get your patterns from? The one from my sister looks amazing! See pic for reference