In a town of Zombies I choose to live

Young , Wild & Free

I'll tell why this city is for me

I was built for war

and the gift to shepard the dead

I am not the power or the source

I am just a friend

Sleep when you are tired

Eat when you are hungry

Share with those who have nothing

We are nothing without the SON

and the SUN shall rise again.

Welcome to Fredericksburg my friend

Trust and believe there are angels here

And I'm just happy to call you my friend my dear

Cheer up you can get clean here

The river is fresh flowing

and the roses smell great

we have a host of community gardens

But most of all knowledge to share.

Mary's Mission carry's experience strength and hope

You'll find in the unlikely

Like the homeless in the street

Yet they are not asleep

Watch where you walk and abide the laws of the land

Don't lie, cheat, or steal

Trust me, you don't want to dance with the devil here

I once was lost but now am found

I'm still not as sick as they would like you to believe

I speak the truth and carry my torch

The shadows can be dark but the night owls tell us who shares the light.

Trust the pink light, the door is unlocked.

Remember I'm your baby demon slayer <3

Goodnight, Goodmorning, Stay Well, Stay Kind, Stay You, Stay Here.