What's up with the Enclave Repair Bot?
I'm having trouble finding information about the new Enclave Reoair Bot from the new Gleaming Depths bundle that you buy outside of the Atomic Shop. There don't seem to be any wiki articles or pages for it yet. Duchess Flame has a section for it & there are a good handful of posts here on reddit about it. Dutchess Flame says that it doesn't share a build limit with Collectrons. However, when I actually go to build one, it does share a build limit with Collectrons. All of the posts I've seen on reddet say that it seems to share a build limit with Collectrons as well.
What I am wondering is, is it supposed to share a build limit with Collectrons or is that a bug? I know that especially with new resource generators, they are sometimes bugged at first & share build lmits with other items that they are not supposed too. Does anyone have any more information about this?
EDIT: Just an update & a heads up. I madeca Support Ticket with Bethesda about the Enclave Repair Bot sharing a build limit with Collectrons. They said that it is not a bug & that it is * intended. They did make a suggestion that I could leave feedback for suggested changes to the game though & implied that I could leave feedback to suggest that they don't share a build limit. So maybe if enough people make a suggestion or request that the *Enclave Repair Bot** & Collectrons do not share a build limit, they might actually change it.
EDIT #2: THEY FIXED IT! You can finally build the Enclave Repair Bot & a Collectron in your C.A.M.P. at the same time!