F(27) and I don't know where to go from here
Help a girl find a job that will allow her to get her life together. As the title says, I am a 27 year old female who feels like they're having a mid life crisis. I work in retail again, just enough to pay the bills and get by while i figure out where to go from here and i just feel so stuck. I originally went to college for nursing. While in the process, I was hanging around the wrong crowd, got some bad stuff and almost died and ended up with a DUI (this was at 20). Because of this, I was no longer eligible for any medical programs since I cant pass a background check. So, I graduated with an associate of science with a major in social work. This obviously didn't really go anywhere for me since I couldn't even test for a license at this point. Did some warehouse work for a few years after this and decided to go back to tech school for dental lab technician and ended up absolutely hating it and regretting it. Tried to get into some driving jobs (since it had been 6 years since my arrest for my DUI) and have now learned my background is also incorrect and says I spent a year in prison (nobody is doing that kind of time for a first offense misdemeanor DUI). I just feel like a lot of my "stuck" feeling has to do with the fact I need to make more money to get a lot of this fixed. I just have no idea where to go from here or what kind of job is willing to look passed my mistake from years ago, while also allowing me to make a good salary. I have cleaned myself up, making better decisions, and I want to set up a better future for myself, I just have no idea how without being miserable in a dead end job. I want to be able to do this on my own. I have good credit, and I am in an apartment (so clean rental history) but unfortunately moving back to my parents for financial purposes and lack of roommates. Between the dead end retail job and going back to my parents at my age with no marriage or kids in sight, it's looking really depressing LOL If you've read this far, please help a girl find a path. I need a job that pays well but also works around my DUI and minimal post secondary education so I can get my life together. Please and thank you.