Day 3 dashing across America
Day three of doordashing across America. To recap my journey started in Myrtle Beach South Carolina and I'm on a destination to eat at two places, The Wagon Wheel in Eagle Pass Texas on the US Mexican border, and Trejo's tacos owned by Danny Trejo in LA.
I crashed out near Forest Mississippi and camped in the car outside of the Holiday Inn Express, hoping to sneak in in the morning and grab that free breakfast. However this location did not have the typical continental breakfast I actually had waitresses so that was a bust. They're also wasn't any action in the area so I packed up the Tesla and continued on.
First delivery Zone I hit was Monroe Louisiana, we're part of me wish I'd stuck around a little bit longer is the orders weren't bad and everyone consistently was leaving tips. I pulled in a quick 53 and change then continued on my path. I did a couple little deliveries in Ruston and near the town of Dixie Inn. But the area was slow so I continued on the journey.
Shreveport is the land of not tipping, however this isn't going to be the typical complaint about non-tippers. These orders were massively High. I'm delivering 13 - $20 orders with lower no tips, but you can't really complain when you're getting 13 to $20 an order. The orders were so good that I stuck around there from 5:20 p.m. to 9:20 p.m. and made a quick $144 on eight deliveries, so around $18 per delivery.
Anyone going on road trips here's a good tip that I wish I learned sooner, get a Planet Fitness membership. For years I've been paying about 10 to $20 per shower to use the showers along the road. Bye signing up for a Planet Fitness membership my first month was only $1 and I have unlimited showers in every state. TMI that had me a quick rinse and thought I'd see if the Shreveport luck was still carrying on so I hop back on the Dasher app.
My final delivery in Shreveport was a little $8 order with no tip, but I had a good anime conversation with the guy I was delivering to cuz he liked my Akatsuki crocs. He later post delivery tipped me 5 clams.
I was debating charging up in Shreveport and spending the night there to see if the magic would continue today, but I felt that would go against the principal rule of the road trip which is the see how every delivery zone is. Good decision as I was nodding off at the wheel. I managed to make it to Carthage Texas, got my charge on, then put the Tesla in the camp mode and had a much needed sleep.
Mississipi to Shreveport Louisiana Total made dashing 266.25. Total spent on charging; $36.26 Total miles traveled: 422 miles or 679.143 kilometers