First DIY speakers and stands

Let me preface this post by saying that as sacrilegious as it may sound, audio quality wasn't my priority for this speaker build. Given that I was planning on giving these to my parents who for the most part don't care too much about audio quality I leaned heavily into the aesthetics over actual sound quality. I still did as much as I could when it came to the design e.g modeling the enclosure volume and vent size for the desired tuning and using the theoretical frequency specs of the drivers to design the crossover. In the end the speakers sound pretty damn good and for some songs I even prefer them over my kef ls50 metas. I can definitely tell that the crossover isn't quite right and that with proper measurements and crossover design I could get a lot more out of these. However, this build has taught me heaps and was a good practice run for when I build speakers with audio quality in mind. Apart from that, I'm happy with how these speakers and stand look and I think they make a fantastic decorative piece. They give of a really nice glow in a darker room (hard to capture on photo) and I kinda love how the back of them look like a face. I haven't really seen any other speaker stands that are also a lamp but always thought it makes a lot of sense. Let me know your thoughts!