Tempering needs to change and not brick items

I understand the thought of having a cap on tempering. However, how that translates to gameplay is incredibly frustrating. 99.99999% of players are not streamers and do not play the game everyday all day long. So when we do find an item that is fits the builds we are going for to then have it roll the wrong temper and then we brick the item, that’s it for that item and most of us will never find that item again. The scrolls are a good start, but only being able to use them once per item has helped a little, overall it has not gone to solve the underlying problem. The use once and still brick is like giving someone one Tylenol when they have a fever of 104F. It kinda helps, but does nothing to solve the underlying problem and only mildly helps.

Additionally, the way the tempers roll is extremely frustrating as well. I just bricked a staff with GA critical strike damage. I am making a LS build and I got LS chance to do double damage on the initial roll, hooray! I then tried to get the additional critical strike damage temper. The Nader the worldly offensive tempers getting that is one in three chance. I rolled and re-rolled using a scroll and only ever got overpower or vulnerable. Often getting the same type over and over. I understand statistics and yes that is not out of the standard deviation for chances, but that item is now useless.

Suggestions: Make the scrolls appear just a LITTLE less often, not much less, but a little and then we can use the scrolls on an item as many times as we want as long as we have scrolls. Temper rolls should never repeat. To the staff above, if I rolled vulnerable and then re-roll I should not get vulnerable again. This would help with the chances of getting the desired roll.

I understand that this game is based on RNG, but there comes a time when that RNG becomes cumbersome and no longer fun or a traditional grind and we are just under the whim of chance.

For that staff this is the amount of RNG in its entirety- Have a staff drop Staff be ancestral Have crit strike damage Have crit strike damage be the GA Temper LS chance do double damage % on that temper Temper crit strike damage % on that temper

It’s too much and could take some looking at to be a little bit more player oriented. Again, not just “give me what I want!” I’ll grind for more scrolls, that’s acceptable and it is what we do now for MW. (Issues there too, but not the subject of the post) Tempering is just so finicky and will break an item. Even for the people that play a LOT, I am sure it is annihilatingly frustrating for them to finally get that 3 GA amulet and then brick it on tempering. Also, just to be clear, not yelling and not attempting to sound like I am whining. I am hoping to define a problem clearly, express the feeling created when that problem occurs, and suggest a solution.

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