Gael is down =)

I took like a 2 week break from ds3 and then decided to make a new character so that I could use Friede's scythes instead of the sellsword twinblades but oh boy was the scythe not doing anything to this unit 😅

The stats don't really make much sense for the twinblades but I was using Friede's scythe so I put a few points in int

The fight took around 11~ ish tries and my god was it fun! Probably my second favourite boss so far right behind the twin princes.

Phase 1 is sooooo good. Super fun to dodge everything and my god do I wanna make a new save just to fight this man over and over and over again. The only thing that was kinda annoying was his sword going into the sand and making it hard to know if he was going to attack or if he was just chilling.

Phase 2 is amazing. What else can I say? Super amazing other than the lightning (I think I died more times because of the lightning than because of actual bad dodge timing lmao).

Don't really know his lore that much, only that he went crazy and wanted the girl to finish her painting or whatever but I'll look into it soon after Midir (the only boss I haven't fought yet).

I tried the fight a few times with Friede's scythe but it was doing like 170 damage and was quite slow so I was like fuck it. winblades it is and even they only did around 230~ per L1 but I kinda liked that since it made the fight way longer and way more fun. 10/10 boss in my books would do it 1000000 times more and then some