Is DarkSouls3 really just that hard?
Am I just bad or is DS3 just that hard? I have platinumed the whole catalog that’s on pc so ds1,ds2,sekiro and Elden ring + a full no summons run of Elden ring and SOTE currently working on my final platinum ds3 and frankly I just feel like I’m getting destroyed like I’ve never even touched a souls game. I’ve just finished base game but some of the optional/DLC bosses are really giving me a run for my money so I’m just curious am I crazy or is ds3 just that hard compared to the rest of the series?
Edit: btw for anyone who sees my post later down the line and feels they might have a similar problem I’ve come to the realization that dmg absorption plays a much more vital role in this game comparative to the rest of the series so if your a no armor, power stance crash out like me maybe try to some armor for a change it will make your ds3 experience 10 times easier and more enjoyable. Thank you all for your help and comments it was good talking with you all!