Weapons/build advice

So I’m finally freshing back up on DS3 and it’s been so long but my main problem is my weapons I like them a lot but they’re starting to feel , Dull ? I’m lvl 76 and I’m where Aldrich was and I feel new again. Idk if I should start a new save and get back into the repitition of everything or what. Btw it’s my first playthrough and feel new. Out of every fromsoft game this is the one I’ve made the most progress on and I’m determined to finally beat it. I also have a stupid amount of rings and weapons and all kinds of armor and stuff I just have no idea what to use I just use strength and my base knight armor my main weapon is the irithyll straight sword that I sometimes alternate with the Hollowslayer great sword my rings are Life , Chloranthy , Covetous silver serpent and pontiffs right eye ( my favorite)

Is this build bad ? Or do I just need to get good at the game again? (Yhorm the giants coming up and I still need to beat the dancer which I almost have MANY times)