CS Majors Are Actually Finished

CS majors have to be the most cooked group of students in existence.

Every time I see one, they’re either sleep deprived, crying over some impossible bug at 3 AM, or straight up coping like “AI won’t take our jobs” while ChatGPT writes half their assignments. They walk around in their crusty hoodies, haven’t touched grass in months, and think LeetCode is a personality trait. Meanwhile, they’re out here grinding for a FAANG job that might not even exist by the time they graduate. Most of them can’t even build a basic website without Stack Overflow holding their hand. Half these guys chose CS because they thought they’d be rolling in cash. Now they’re in year 3 rolling in play dough questioning every life decision they’ve ever made. They call business majors dumb, but at least they get to touch real money instead of writing “Hello World” in 10 different languages. Forget the bums themselves, the CS job market is beyond cooked. These poor shmucks spent four years getting humbled by their unsolvable math problems just to fight 5,000 other applicants for an Entry Level position at the average Joe company that requires 4 years of experience. Every second LinkedIn post is some CS grad talking about how they’ve applied to 300 jobs and just have to stay positive. Haha. Meanwhile, some caveman who watched a 3 hour YouTube course and couldn’t tell you what a computer is gets hired over them because he knows a guy. Internships? Forget about them. You either land one as a freshman or you’re finished. It’s as simple as that. Companies figured out they can just use AI instead of hiring such clowns, so now you’ve got thousands of grads rotting in their parents basement, grinding for an interview they’ll never get.

CS was supposed to be the golden ticket, but now it’s looking like a speedrun to unemployment.

Absolute bums.