Very proud of my first ever crochet project!

I've been wanting to learn how to crochet for years and for Christmas my boyfriend got me a Wooble. I know they get a lot of hate, but I feel like I owe it all to Woobles for learning so quickly.

After finishing my Wooble, I came across the Cozy Days Daisy Blanket and fell in love. I wasn't sure how it'd go, but I dove right in hoping to make myself a nice queen sized blanket. I finished my first granny square on February 3rd and a couple weeks later, I figured I had gotten "fast" enough that I could try and make a blanket by mid April as wedding gift for a dear friend. I am by no means a fast crocheter, but I spent every available second crocheting to get it done on time (I spent at least 100 hours on this project). I ran into a few hiccups along the way due to wanting to make a few modifications to the pattern and I am so so grateful to everyone on r/CrochetHelp for their help! I never thought I'd finish with this blanket with so much time to spare!

With all that said. Man, I love crocheting. I work for the US federal government and things are really hard and scary right now. Crocheting has been the perfect healthy distraction. Focusing for hours on granny squares is the only thing giving me relief from all of the anxious thoughts and stress. Not to mention the satisfaction of completing a project is chefs kiss. This is the best I've felt in months.

I'm so excited to give my friends this blanket! It's not perfect, but I know they'll love it 🙂