Love this trend! My flash sale picks and why I chose them.

  1. Beauty and the Beast- (Seen before) I caught this one on the Criterion Channel, and I fell in love with how magical it was. This version inspired both my favorite Disney film and the 2004 Phantom of the Opera so it really was a no brainer to add to my personal collection.

  2. Solaris- (Blind Buy) Is it weird to know you’re going to love a director before you’ve seen any of his work? I wanted to start off my Tarkovsky collection with something challenging enough, but wasn’t ready to just blind dive in Mirror quite yet. Plus, I can check out the George Clooney version after I’m done with this one.

  3. The Silence of the Lambs- (Seen Before) my earliest memory of this film is my uncle hurriedly turning off the tv after my grandfather and my elementary school aged self was flipping through the tv looking for something to watch and picked the “FBI movie”. Haha. I since overcame my fear of this film and love the Hannibal franchise.

  4. Thin Red Line- (Blind Buy) My goal is to collect every Mallick film and this one was next on the list. I was watching an interview with Jim Caveziel and he had nothing but good to say about his experience with this film.

  5. Swing Time- (Blind Buy) - Fred Astaire was one of my favorite parts of Holiday Inn as a kid, and I wanted to see more of his movies.

  6. The Last Temptation of Christ-(Seen Before/Blind Buy) I watched this early on during a faith crisis, dismissed it as sacrilegious, and forgot about it. Someone on this sub suggested listening to the director’s commentary to understand why certain choices were made, so I decided to give it another chance. Plus, I love Scorsese’s Silence and Willem Dafoe, so why not?

  7. M- (Blind Buy) The CineFix YouTube channel loves this movie and I need to watch more noir, so here we are. I often get this one confused with The Third Man though haha.

  8. Marketa Lazorava- (Blind Buy)- This one was y’all’s fault haha. Someone posted some screenshots from this film on this sub and got me intrigued. After learning that it was Czech film (my growing favorite branch of cinema) about the transition from paganism to Christianity (one of my favorite subjects in history), I knew I had to get it. And I’m glad I did too, cause it sold out after I bought it.

  9. Throne of Blood- (Blind Buy)- I haven’t seen any Kurosawa yet, and instead of being basic and starting with Seven Samurai, I wanted a Shakespeare adaptation.