Wasn't prepared properly for the job

I preference this by saying this is my first CNA job, I just passed my exam, and I got the job by walking into a bunch of nursing homes and filling out applications. I just went with the first one that offered me a job. I just finished my second day of orientation and I cannot emphasize enough how much they didn't prepare me. This place is GHETTO!! From what I can tell the place is ALWAYS understaffed, there's never enough linen so when the linen cart comes out you better run and grab what you need and hide some extra, nightshift always leaves a present in the resident's diaper for you to find, they blame the CNAs for everything, most of the residents have huge bedsores (didn't encounter this in clinical so wasn't grossed out but unprepared), and I guess they have a lot of run-ins with the health department (not sure if that's the norm). Also from what I can tell on this subreddit CNAs are usually made to stand and chart and I just wanna throw my two cents in there and say that's stupid.

The nursing homes at my clinical was basically heaven compared to this. Unlimited linen, every resident was super well taken care of. Great skin, no bedsores, well-fed and clothed.

The part that I find perplexing, not difficult but unsure, is cleaning patients with so little linen. Im talking sometimes it's just a small towel and a large towel. They are teaching me how but it just seems so unsanitary. . I went on agency app and looked at the reviews and almost every single one is bashing the place. Probably going to leave after 2-3 months but well see.