I feel like the universe is punishing me for being a childfree Black woman.
I might delete this post later because this is just too vulnerable. I feel like I'm suffering for being childfree, especially a childfree woman over 35 who isn't high-income. Don't get me wrong: I love being child-free. But I feel like I'm being cursed for it. Please blame my Judeo-Christian background for this programming...
- In my 20s I was on the fence. Men only wanted me for sex. They only valued how I look but never my personality. I think I gave off vibes that I motherhood was NOT my desire, and they treated me as such.
- Because I was childfree, no men, even the decent ones, took me seriously. Hence why I'm still single.
- Most women in my field are married hence they take the low-paying jobs that require Master's degrees because they have husbands who make high incomes. But the thing is... THESE WOMEN WANTED BABIES. Because I'm childfree, no men, whether they were trash or decent, didn't want me. Therefore, here I am single, low-income, struggling with a student loan debt mountain. Stuck in low-income positions because of severe depression, PMDD, anxiety. All because I refused to be a breeder so I could get a ring, a husband, a house, and a financial safety net. If it weren't for my parents helping me at times, I probably would've blown my brains out.
- I'm not Christian or religious. Most breeders are. Because of that, most of the decent men wanted a "Godly" woman. Therefore being a non-Christian, childfree, bisexual woman meant I was only good for a fuck.
- I'm in my late 30s, close to 40, and child-free. Nobody will want me because I don't want kids nor have them (contrary to popular belief, it's easier for single mothers to get dates than it is for single childfree women).
- Because I'm childfree, I suffer financially worse.
- I have female health issues, which my mom told me that if I had children they would improve (or get worse after having it). I'd rather take the PMDD than to have fucking kids.
And I don't care what anyone says, 90% of men don't respect childfree women. Even the good men don't. They see us as useless. I wish I could just live in a capitalist-free commune with nothing but childfree women. Fuck this prison planet.
EDIT: Wow, I didn't think this post would blow up. It was just a spontaneous rant because of just my anger with so much going on in my life and my hopes for my future pretty much seeing another dead end because of this trash political situation. Thanks so much for the kind words and support.