Fuck people who bring toddlers/babies onto flights
I don’t give a fuck what the excuse or reasoning is. Fuck you for bringing your screaming, whining, disgusting child onto a 4 hour flight. I have never in my life had less of a tolerance for children than I do right now after spending over 4 hours on a flight with 3 screaming children. I am chewing xanax like pez candy and seething with hatred.
Edit: I didn’t expect this to get as much traction as it did, I was just venting and ranting. I’m glad lots of people are agreeing with me, and for those who are offended and think I’m being “too harsh”, this is tagged “RANT” for a reason. If you disagree, good for you, enjoy your screaming children filled trips in the future where I know you’ll be patient, forgiving, understanding, and morally superior than those of us who can’t stand it!