CMV: The only valid discrimination is ideological discrimination
Every other form of discrimination is of course nonsensical. Hating people for the colour of their skin. Terrible. Their gender. Ridiculous. The way they talk (accents). Depressing. But hating someone for the way they think makes perfect sense. The way you think does actually influence your moral actions.
“But don't we also hate reckless criminals?” Well we do. But we shouldn't. We shouldn't hate a criminal unless they're a terrorist with a specific ideology. If someone thoughtlessly commits a crime, we shouldn't hate that person, we should pity that person. But if someone has an evil ideology, we should hate them and want to stamp out their way of thinking.
This also includes religion. If someone's religious ideas are bad, you can hate them for that. Even as a Christian, I'm not mad at anti-theists (at least not anymore) for hating religion if they truly believe that it goes against their moral compass. It makes perfect sense.
I'm very curious and eager for the discussion this will create. I haven't thought about this too hard so maybe this will get me to start.
Edit: I made this post believing that there are ideologies that hinder our ability to make a better world. Most discrimination is cruel towards people with a trait that doesn't make the world a worse place. Being black, being gay, being ugly, or being autistic doesn't make the world more evil. So that discrimination isn't valid. But having an ideology like communism does actually cause more pain and suffering. So hating communists wouldn't be bad in the same way hating black people is. However, it is possible for a person to be brainwashed and not ever be exposed to new ideas. Like if you're a Muslim and you've never gotten the chance to understand other beliefs. So it wouldn't make sense to hate that person.
Would anyone like to argue with this new point?