QA Issues - Deformed BABs
I just got a box with the bundles and LOOK AT THESE BABs! 😩 They’re so sloppy! I don’t know where to start. I’m so disappointed!! They’ve REALLY dropped the ball with quality and quality assurance! I cannot believe these made “the cut”. They’re CLEARLY deformed and not just “stuffed weird” because TRUST ME, I’ve tried to fix them. They’re just straight up lopsided and sewn crappily.
- Obviously the worst to me is the chick. His head is angular- ANGULAR! A whole a$$ polygon! Like come ON! The head is also sewn on crooked on the body. His mouth is also sewn on crooked. And the rest of his body is sloppily sewn.
- The sheep - his mouth is heckin CROOKED! His face is crooked. His body is also lazily sewn and crooked! Like one of his arms is TWISTED!
- The Purple Pawlette - her whole head is sewn weirdly. One side of her head is longer than the other and it’s crooked on the base/body. It’s just sloppy work man.
I’m soooo upset. If I wasn’t so emotionally stunted from antidepressants, I’d be crying right now. I was super excited to open this box and was EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED! Like this IS NOT IT. I don’t know who did this work, but they obviously don’t care. And neither does BAB. They just care about churning out a shit product to make as much money from us as they can. Like even if these were for my kid, I’d still be annoyed af! Because like, they pride themselves on the experience and quality and this is just poor quality! I’ll be honest I don’t know if I’ll keep getting stuff from them as often as I do. And if I do, it’ll have to be in store and it’ll be WAY less frequent since my nearest store is over 60 miles away! And I’m not at the mall often enough for that reason… smh