Buck 112, shop grind is funky
Suppose just putting it to the masses.
I really love my 112, and treated myself to a couple of the TRX models too, and they're pretty cool, really lightweight and feel good in the hand.
I just noticed upon closer inspection that the blades of the trx seem to have just a little less meat on the bones when it comes to the blade metal in comparison with the original 112 model, and the black model I picked up has taken the grind at the heel, and seems to have a bit more edge taken off it. It seems to have 1-2mm less edge over the green.
There was a blemish on the green blade also which the retailer knocked 50 bucks off for me after a nice chat.
I'm not overly disappointed, but figured why not ask if anyone else has had a similar experience? The heel grind is annoying to be fair but once I've used it a couple of times I'm sure I won't notice anyway.
I live in Australia so isn't an easy task sending over to Buck if this would be considered a manufacturer fault.
Not trying to have a whinge, just curious. Cheers!