Creeped out by walkie talkies?

On a whim, we bought a pair of kids walkie talkies at the store today. I say on a whim because it was just very “aww these are cute!” and my 90s child self was just reminiscing about walkie talkies and all that. They’re just character ones from the kids toy lane. So we come home and my daughter is having a blast playing with them. She and I were playing with them and having a lot of fun. I never read any reviews or honestly even considered that they might be unsafe? It’s nighttime now and I curiously decide to just read reviews on them and I feel sick to my stomach now. There are so many reviews listed that mention the walkie talkies picked up other frequencies and they could hear grown men, cops, and someone said they could clearly hear an entire conversation between a parent and child. Someone said some grown man was like yes we can be friends. My anxiety is spiraling right now and I feel so horrible. Do I take the batteries out and pretend like it broke? She was so excited playing with it and already excited to play again tomorrow. I feel bad for being the one to suggest we get them. We were having so much fun with them. Why do people have to ruin fun things? And does anyone here have walkie talkies like those at home?