Citadelle Des Morts (Zombies)

Hello pals, let me preface this by saying I’m decent at zombies and no more no less, I just kinda came back for not playing for a few years I usually end up getting on the top ranked ladders give or take..

The Easter Egg boss for this is absurdly difficult for me for some reason, the attacks don’t feel very well telegraphed, I’ve spent like 7 hours of my life flawlessly preparing and building towards the boss three times only to die a little past halfway through…

I did try doing a few public lobbies but the people never even know the steps and they just make it take forever and or are completely clueless.. I get really fixated when I want to complete something but spending another 2 nail biting hours just to die is probably going to rip my hair out. Yeah I know skill issue if anyone out there actually enjoys it I’d love to try maybe doing it on directed mode..

I ALREADY know all the steps by heart I just need to the boss to like attack anyone but me for like 5 seconds thanks (also I’m convinced I would have lived last time if I wasn’t brain dead and dropped 5 stims on the floor for the dumbass fireblast) yes I had triple orange quality weapon and triple PAP raygun and maybe I panicked and didn’t use my shield gum omg