West Coast Swing - pushing hard against the lead uncommon?

So, odd question, but ladies in particular keep having this embarrassed giggle whenever they go to do a sugar push or more advanced versions of the sugar push (apologies, I don’t know all the names, am still new) or other moves where the follow needs pushes hard against the lead to make it work. For whatever reason, the fallows act like I’m made of glass. I’m 5’7”, I *do* work out, though at 40 and after a number of injuries am not “swole” but certainly am not rail thin, I would say I look at “athletic” and weigh 152 lbs.

I’ve asked some why they’re so timid about pushing against me, and they’ve said lots of the leads fall over or act surprised if the follow puts their weight into the move. At the same time, the moves don’t work right unless the follows push *hard.* So anyhow, I keep saying things like “I work out, push hard!” And they get this embarrassed giggle like they can’t believe I said that and I’m being silly/ridiculous. What is going on?

Are they seriously remembering the line from LMFAO’s “Sexy and I know it” where the guy says “I work out” as part of the lyrics? That song is from 2011 and seems dated like a bit of a reach. But I’m not sure what else to guess at.