My fellow sensory-sensitive folks - what is one popular food that you CAN'T STAND the texture of?

I have three that I will share.

Any type of pasta that isn't mac and cheese. The cheesy goodness is enough to mellow out the texture, but if it's literally anything else I will want to vomit.

Soup. For some reason my brain is like “liquids that aren't water or fruity = gross,” especially hot liquids, so soup is a no-go.

Carbonated anything (soda, beer, sparkling water, etc.). It makes the entire drink taste like TV static to me. It doesn't matter how amazing the flavor itself is, if it's carbonated I will not drink it.

I’d love to hear from the rest of you!!

I have three that I will share.

Any type of pasta that isn't mac and cheese. The cheesy goodness is enough to mellow out the texture, but if it's literally anything else I will want to vomit.

Soup. For some reason my brain is like “liquids that aren't water or fruity = gross,” especially hot liquids, so soup is a no-go.

Carbonated anything (soda, beer, sparkling water, etc.). It makes the entire drink taste like TV static to me. It doesn't matter how amazing the flavor itself is, if it's carbonated I will not drink it.

I’d love to hear from the rest of you!!