Growing while on medical

(Tried posting this on Medical cannabis Oz sub but got down voted and locked by the corporate shills over there. )

Hey all. Just curious about how many patients are considering growing right now. The MC system is not ideal. Pre MC I always tried to stay away from hydroponic cannabis, especially mass produced stuff. Rather than stay on this merry go round, I'm really tempted to just grow my own organically. The inconsistency of availability and product, coupled with more difficult substitution options ( ie only sub more expensive in house products) is starting to make this harder than it could/should be. It's not hard to grow and decent genetics aren't hard to find. Just curious if anyone else is considering taking this path as well. Surely a better option than gambling on mould, irradiation, old flower, bud rot, empty tubs or actually getting it delivered ( without clinics/auspost trying to rip people off). Just a hypothesis.