[Spoilers MAIN] Finished the Dunk & Egg Novellas for the first time after re-reading ASOIAF, and I have thoughts and questions
I finished the third D&E story after a restless night and wanted to share with the community. I'll be spoiling the plot, so don't read ahead if you haven't finished D&E's. And if you haven't I'd strongly suggest them; very fun reads, still reads like GRRM (if slightly younger).
Some (or all) of this is probably pretty obvious, but just in case I'll share anyways.
-I loved the smaller scope of these stories. Nearly all the POVS in ASOIAF are high-born, and either ruling class or training for it as a child. It's nice to take a break and focus on meeting some of the smallfolk, and current, former, and future "broken men" referenced by Septon Meribald.
-Speaking of monologues on the nature of war, I loved Ser Eustaces speech on the Blackfyre Rebellion. People are asked to choose between two rulers, and both sides end up with strong, honorable leaders. Until it's over, and then one side is labeled as treacherous traitors and looked down upon/punished for the rest of their lives.
-Could be reading too much into this while remembering a theory that Dunk and Brienne are related, but both their stories begin with them competing at a tournament, favoring a melee, and desperately needing to win (Dunk to pay for his armor, Brienne to join the Rainbow Guard). Love it.
-Another little GRRM style detail is Quentyn Ball being nicknamed Fire Ball, alluding to the fate of the only other Quentyn I know of.
- Egg speaks of the dragon egg in his crib, and his family having at least five eggs plus "more at Dragonstone." It makes me wonder if there are more eggs out there. I probably need to read about Summerhall more
-Hearing rumors about, and meeting a (relatively) young Bloodraven is really interesting. It feels the rumors are dismissed as the regular silly gossip you hear about unloved rulers, but at the same time we know that Bloodraven is a very powerful sorcerer and still alive 100 years later. It makes me curious to know if the rumors are right about his treacherous nature as well, and makes me want to start another read through of ASOIAF to look for new clues in his communications with Bran.
-Knowing how their story ends has me very excited for the remainder of the series (if it happens)
-I only came up with this while writing, but Daemon II's prophetic dreams. He says he predicted his brothers deaths, and predicts Duncans role in the Kingsguard. He also predicts a dragon hatching at Whitewall. What's up with that? Is it just a reference to his unveiling? Or could it be his prediction is literal, but doesn't happen for another 100 years or so? Any other theories/interpretations?
-edit: I was wrong about the eggs being related to Danys. Didn’t bother to look it up