I feel like I’m being used
Last year when I PCS’d to Ft Campbell I met a soldier while we were in-processing. We’re both working different brigades and different jobs. He’s infantry and I’m a medic. Throughout this time he’s been getting rides from either his “baby momma” or his mom to and from a town roughly 100 klicks from post.
At first when I met him he was really eager to learn more about medicine as he was trying to become a CLS, basically Medic’s set of second hands, and I was pretty much teaching him everything I was taught fresh out of AIT.
I thought he was cool at first. He’s a dad of two, trying to make a better life for himself and his family, and he’s one of the few people willing to listen to me and learn a thing or two when I try to teach.
However a bunch of red flags came up. 1: When I first took him to his mom’s house for the weekend literally it was something straight out of Resident Evil 8 Biohazard. I’m coming in from Ft Sill, and when I say “this area smells bad” I’m not talking out my ass. This guy has a few younger brothers, two geriatric people at the time living with them, and their mom who is supporting them all on welfare checks. On numerous occasions has both his mom and himself threatened to beat their younger brother while in my presence. Goes to show the sort of man this guy is. I do not tolerate the beating of any kind to children. Their bathroom looks like an abandoned mall store. I wouldn’t step foot in it. Living conditions is abhorrent.
2: He invited me over for the holidays to spend with him and his family. Sure I admit I only took the offer to get away from being on a 2 week long detail, but because the living situation in their house was horrible I just opted to sleep in my car. I had numerous breakdowns for reliving living in my car when I came back to post being forced to pretty much lay in a freezer in nothing but my sleeping system and the clothes on my back.
3: He kept pestering me to co-sign a car for him. He’s been through not one, but two cars during his time here. One was sold to him off facebook marketplace and the car was beyond saving with how much was needed to spend to actually keep it running. The second one was sold to him from a neighbor but the car also needed work done. He sold the first car and is working on the other one to sell when he isn’t on post. That brings me to car number 3. We went to a dealership just outside the gates and we were both approved because I cosigned him. My credit at the time was 680 and his, yeah he made some awful decisions to have his credit drop to where it was. Now I’m stuck with a guillotine of a $24k car over my head if he so much as dies in the line of duty, goes awol, defaults, or so much as “doesn’t have enough money to pay for a month”. He’s horrible with finances.
Now that begs the question: How can I somewhat unfuck this already fucked up situation? Advice is encouraged here. I’m just a junior enlisted who let themselves get fucked by their battle buddy.