Ranked Problem

I need help. When solo queuing my teammates always so late to respond to my ping to engage inqueuing my teammates always so late to responds to my ping to engage into battle, I even MIC up when I'm going to attack. I scan the surroundings to make sure there's not going to be a positive third party but even then its all in vain. They don't help me or back me up. Most of the time I flank the enemies and tell my teammates to attack. Yet my freaking teammates just watching. I even crack 2 enemies and made one of them very low health. and when I die and spectate. All they do is freaking stand in a corner ads and watching. Then after a seconds they lunch an attack when the enemy is already refreshed their shield and health. Like WTF is going on this Season. I'm Plat 1 going to Diamond. I only have two options like going Ratting until like there's 6-8 squads just for the miniscule LP or do nothing and just keeping my playstyle