The term SWERF

You ever have this term thrown at you? Have you found yourself ostracized by other feminists or treated like a common bigot because of it?

I will say, I was pro-SW and pro-"ethical" porn for some time. It's only been fairly recently that the ugliness of it all and the dreadful reality that there can be no true liberation as long as porn and sex work are allowed to exist as they do. And when I realized that the reason I personally would not do porn is because I knew it would be consumed by people who I despise. Being trans, I've drawn the ire of TERFs for simply existing, and usually TERFs are grouped in with SWERFs, but, having been around anti-porn circles for a bit, I've actually encountered way Less bigotry than I see in libfem or radfem circles. So why the hate for anti-SW feminists?

And I hate it, because trans people are often brought up as a "gotcha" against SW critiques, because so many of us do it. Even though so many of us Die while doing sex work. I don't want to encourage Any woman, let alone a trans woman, to do this shit.

What do you do when that term is thrown at you?