I know it’s been said before: auto litter boxes!!!!
Splurged for Christmas. I’ve always struggled with my boy’s box, and felt really guilty. I would try to scoop daily but often would just do a full replace of the litter once a week- he pees A LOT. This of course was not only good for buddy, but also pretty costly.
This box cleans after every single use. It went two weeks before I had to change the bag. I don’t have to do a full clean/ replace of the box yet because the litter stayed clean. It also gamifies it a little bit- it’s weirdly fun to see when he uses it.
I’m not sure if I’ll get a notification when the tray needs emptied since I kept opening it to see how it was going. It has an app, so ????
I just got a generic with good reviews off Amazon. Couple hundred less than name brand. Hopefully it keeps working well, but I’d honestly buy a new one if it lasts a year. Maybe I’d up to the name brand if their 3 year warranty seems like it holds up.
EDIT: Will look into the injury info. Thanks, y’all. If I need to change from my brand I will.