Are you nostalgic for the hipster/indie-pop scene of the early-mid 2010s?

I was in high school from 2012-2017 (we start high school at age 13 here in Australia). For me personally, there's three genres which I associate with my high school years; dubstep, EDM and indie-pop. I hated most of the dubstep and EDM songs which were popular back then, so for me, indie-pop was kind of like the one saving grace in music. I liked a lot of the songs by bands like Of Monsters & Men, Imagine Dragons, Fun., Arctic Monkeys etc.

So as a result, the hipster/indie-pop scene makes me feel hugely nostalgic and brings back a lot of memories for me. Hearing "We Are Young" reminds me of my first few weeks of high school and hearing it being played over the loud speakers in the corridors while I was walking to class.

It was pretty popular with the people in my grade (C/O 2017). I knew of a few people who would go to indie festivals on weekends. In my Visual Design art class in 9th and 10th grade (so this was 2014/2015), we were allowed to pick songs to play on YouTube and a lot of us picked songs like "Riptide", "Take Me To Church", "Pompeii", "Do I Wanna Know?" etc. One of my close friends also used to wear a red flannel shirt everywhere. I never knew anyone my age who actually dressed like a hipster, but many of us were definitely into the music.

I would be interested to hear everyone else's perceptions of it, especially seeing as how it's pretty much 'our music' so to speak. Are you nostalgic for the hipster/indie-pop scene of the early-mid 2010s?