Which inconvenience would you rather deal with for 1 year?
Inconvenience 1: Your finger tips are covered in Cheeto dust. If you wear any sort of the gloves, the Cheeto dust will seep right through them as if you were bare handed. No amount of washing/cleaning your hands will get rid of the Cheeto dust. You will receive $250k upon completion.
Inconvenience 2: Defecate atleast 2x female Coulter Pine cones a day (ranges from 8-16 in long x 2-4 in wide). No stool softener, fiber, probiotic, diet or exercising can help you. You will receive $5 million upon completion.
Inconvenience 3: Only be able to sleep outside. You’re not allowed to use any sort of shelter or structure while sleeping outside, sleeping bags and layering up will be allowed. You will receive $100k upon completion.
Inconvenience 4: Every morning when you wake up, you must down 4 1.5 oz shot sized glasses of Tapatio 110. You will not begin your morning routine let alone your day until you drink all 4 shots. You will receive $1 million upon completion.
Inconvenience 5: For 1 year, have a 10% chance of prime, coked up Mike Tyson spawning right next to you to uppercut you as hard as he possibly could. You will be guaranteed to survive, hospital fees and expenses would be covered. Mike Tyson can appear anywhere, anytime. He will not be charged criminally as he will immediately despawn and you will receive $10 million if uppercutted. If you avoid being uppercutted by Tyson for 1 year, you will receive a $50 gift card to Apple Bee’s.